Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Do you accept insurance? No, this is a self-pay only practice. We accept credit cards (with a 2.75% fee, through Tebra payments), check, and Zelle (1% fee).

  2. Do you require a set nutrition plan? No - Dr. Bodin will work with you to develop a healthy eating plan that accommodates your needs and preferences.

  3. Do I have to live in Florida to see you? Yes - for now this is a hard and fast telehealth rule.

  4. What medications do you offer? If appropriate for individual patients, we will prescribe FDA approved medications, both those approved specifically for obesity, as well as some “off label” (though still FDA approved medications) that are known to be effective for weight loss. You will purchase these medications at your preferred pharmacy, after we prescribe.

  5. What do I do if insurance will not cover my medications? Insurance is tricky. Some insurances cover obesity medications (with the right patient qualifications), and some do not, with every variation in between We will investigate what your specific plan may cover. You can always buy medications “out of pocket,” or with cash, if your insurance does not cover specific medications. We will work with you to find the right fit between affordability and your specific health concerns.

  6. What if I have complications from my medication(s)? We will be available easily though your patient portal for messaging, and frequent follow up to work through complications, as well as change medications when needed.

  7. Do you sell weight loss supplements, like HCG, or others? No. There is no evidence to support these expensive supplements, and many may cause you harm. We may recommend specific vitamins or minerals specific for deficiencies, if found in your laboratory work.

  8. Do I have to take medication with your program? Absolutely not. We can help you achieve better health in a way that works for you, using evidence-based medicine.